In the series “Bausteine zur Landesgeschichte” Nadine Garling from the Förderverein Historische Warenhäuser Wertheim und Tietz in Stralsund e. V. will give a lecture “Die jüdischen Kaufmannsfamilien in Stralsund” at the Pommersche Landesmuseum in Greifswald on March 21, 2019, starting at 6 pm. The lecture will focus on the sites of Jewish history as well…Continue readingLecture at the Pomeranian State Museum (21.3.2019, 6 p.m.)
At the New Year’s reception of the District Administrator Dr. Stefan Kerth on 25.1.2019, Nadine Garling received the Volunteer Award 2018 of the District of Vorpommern-Rügen for her association work, in addition to other committed citizens. The award was presented together with the Chancellor and Member of the Bundestag Dr. Angela Merkel.Continue readingVolunteer Award of Vorpommern-Rügen 2018
With interesting stories, information and historical recordings, the audio tour “Jewish Life and Work in Stralsund” takes visitors and locals to eleven places in Stralsund’s Jewish history. Professor Michael Klotz created the tour with students at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences as part of the BMWi-funded “Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Rostock” for the izi.TRAVEL app, which is…Continue readingTour Jewish Life in Stralsund
“How two department store founders turned retail around” – The journey through time in the NDR Nordmagazin covers the history of the Wertheim and Tietz department stores in Stralsund in two parts. Both parts are available in the media library. Thanks to CLIP Film u.Fernsehproduktion GmbH for the photo of the shooting in the historic…Continue readingNDR time travel to Wertheim and Tietz
We are pleased about the appreciation of our and other associations’ work by Götz Aly in his column in the Berliner Zeitung. And think back with pleasure to the wonderful evening a good month ago in the town hall.Continue readingGötz Aly pays tribute to “Wonderful German Citizens’ Associations”
The non-profit association Förderverein Historische Warenhäuser Wertheim und Tietz in Stralsund e. V. will open an exhibition in the Kulturkirche St. Jakobi on November 8, 2018 as part of the events marking 80 years of the Reichspogromnacht. On display will be places of Jewish history as well as biographies of formative merchant families such as…Continue readingExhibition “The Jewish Merchant Families in Stralsund”
Three women. Three generations. One fate. The Filmclub Blendwerk e.V. shows in cooperation with the Förderverein Historische Warenhäuser Wertheim und Tietz in Stralsund e. V. on November 15, 2018 at 20:00 the film Hanna’s Sleeping Dogs (Austria, Germany 2016, 120 min., FSK: 12 R: Andreas Gruber D.: Nike Seitz, Franziska Weisz, Johannes Silberschneider, Hannelore Elsner…Continue readingHanna’s Sleeping Dogs Movie Night
On Tuesday, October 16, 2018, the historian, political scientist and journalist Götz Aly, who lives in Berlin, read from his book “Europe against the Jews” in Stralsund City Hall in front of about 80 guests. According to his witty and stimulating account, anti-Semitism was a pan-European phenomenon that emerged with modern capitalism. Basically, the sudden…Continue readingReading with Götz Aly “Europe against the Jews”
Journalist Peter Kaiser reports for the second time on the Jewish history of Stralsund in the program “From the Jewish World” on Deutschlandradio Kultur. After a report on Wertheim and Tietz in the Hanseatic city in July 2013, this time the question is why there has been no Jewish community in Stralsund since the end…Continue readingFrom the Jewish world